OLPH Calendar

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Upcoming important dates:

Friday, January 10: Minimum day (faculty meeting)
Friday, January 17: Second Trimester progress report sent home
Monday, January 20: No school- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Sunday, January 26: Catholic Schools Week begins. Please attend Mass at OLPH this day!
Monday, January 27: Science Fair presentations begin
Friday, January 31: Annual OLPH Walkathon
Wednesday, February 5: OLPH Science Fair (judging day)
Thursday, February 6: OLPH Science Fair Open House

Science Fair

Attention: if you are in any science field (medicine, engineering, teaching etc) you can judge for science fair!  Let me know if you would like to earn service hours on Wednesday, February 5 between 3:00pm and 6:00pm.  It's fun (really, it is) and dinner is provided.

Science Fair presentations begin Monday January 27.  Please check with your child for his/her assigned date.  If you need to check, the dates for all students (grades 5-8) are posted both inside my classroom and on the window next to the main door.

On the presentation day, each student needs to bring in a science fair board and a science fair report.  Both the board and the report contain the exact same items- the board is to present to the class and show for the judges, and the report is to go in their file.  I don't have space to store everyone's boards, this is why I require the report.

The board and report should contain the following items:

  • background research
  • question/problem
  • hypothesis
  • manipulated and responding variables
  • materials list
  • procedure
  • data both in a table and a graph
  • analysis
  • conclusion- this may include a future research idea
  • acknowledgements
The first six items were done in the first trimester.  Please remind your child that if I made changes or suggestions to their question, hypothesis, variables, materials list, or procedure that they should make those changes.

There are no more "due dates" other than the presentation date.  See the page on the blog titled "Science Fair Rubric" for details on how the project is graded.


OLPH School is working with the "Get On the Bus" program to minister to those in prison.  We are collecting various items to give to this program, which in turn puts together packs for children who are visiting parents in prison.  The fifth grade class needs to provide two boxes of Crayolas (8 or 16 count is fine) per child for this purpose.  We were collecting these before Christmas, but the boxes of Crayolas are due Friday, January 10.  I am counting this as an assignment grade in Religion (about 1% of the grade).

Fifth grade is organizing Mass for Thursday, January 23.  Remember families are always welcome to attend Mass with us.

Please also join OLPH parish at Mass on Sunday, January 26.  Students are encouraged to wear their Mass uniforms and be acknowledged with their families as we begin Catholic Schools Week.

Also remember to get pledges for Walkathon.  Each fifth grade student needs to bring in $100 minimum.  If your child brings in $200, he/she earns a trip to Knotts Berry Farm!!

Last reminders (for now): your child should be reading 20 minutes a day for homework and working toward the AR goals set for second trimester.  I will send another progress report on AR at the end of January.

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