OLPH Calendar

Science 8

Science 8

Science 8

            The following is a list of supplies necessary for science labs for the entire school year.  Parents, if you can help by bringing in any of the following items, I would appreciate it.  Keep track of any time you spend gathering the supplies and log this in as volunteer hours.  Any supplies that are crossed out are supplies I already have in stock.  Thank you!

Unit 1 Chemical Building Blocks

Chapter 1 Introduction to Physical Science

Density Graphs
  • ·      6 Graduated cylinders
  • ·      6 Balances
  • ·      Graph paper
  • ·      6 groups of 3 samples of a liquid (teacher provides)

Swing Time
  • ·      6 stands with clamp
  • ·      6 large paper clips
  • ·      6 rulers
  • ·      6 strings, cut to 50 cm in length
  • ·      6 stopwatches
  • ·      6 groups of 5 metal washers

Chapter 2 The Nature of Matter

Classify Changes in Matter
  • ·      none

Changes in a Burning Candle
  • ·      6 large birthday candles
  • ·      1 box of matches
  • ·      6 shallow metal dishes
  • ·      6 150ml beakers
  • ·      paper towels
  • ·      6 500ml flasks
  • ·      limewater solution
  • ·      6 rubber stoppers for the flasks
  • ·      6 tongs

Chapter 3 Solids, Liquids, Gases

It’s a Gas
  • ·      6 plastic syringes without needle, 35 cm3 capacity
  • ·      1 pound modeling  clay
  • ·      6 groups of four books of uniform weight (students will use textbooks)

Determing the Density of Liquids
  • ·      6 groups of 4 graduated cylinders, 100ml
  • ·      6 balances
  • ·      ethanol
  • ·      vegetable oil
  • ·      salt water
  • ·      paper towels
  • ·      6 groups of 4 wooden dowels, each 6 cm long
  • ·      6 expo markers
  • ·      salt
  • ·      6 rulers (students have in box)

Chapter 4 Elements of the Periodic Table

Copper or Carbon? That is the Question
  • ·      6 dry cell batteries (1.5V)
  • ·      6 beakers 250 ml
  • ·      6 stopwatches
  • ·      6 groups of 3 lengths of insulated wire
  • ·      6 copper wires, thin with no insulation, about 5-6 cm long
  • ·      6 groups of 2 graphite samples (lead from a mechanical pencil), about 5-6 cm long
  • ·      6 hot plates
  • ·      water
  • ·      6 flashlight bulbs with socket

Unit 2

Chapter 5 Models of Compounds

Models of Compounds
  • ·      students decide and provide materials

Comparing Atom Sizes
  • ·      6 drawing compasses
  • ·      6 metric rulers (students have in box)
  • ·      6 calculators (students should have from math requirement)
  • ·      periodic table of the elements (in textbook)

Chapter 6 Chemical Reactions

Temperature and Enzyme Activity
  • ·      6 forceps
  • ·      6 stopwatches
  • ·      6 test tubes with a one-hole stopper
  • ·      0.1% hydrogen peroxide solution
  • ·      6 groups of filter paper disks soaked in liver preparation (catalase) an kept at four different temperature (room temp, 0-4o C, 37oC, 100oC)
  • ·      6 beakers to hold water

Chapter 7 Acids, Bases, and Solutions

Make Your Own Indicator
  • ·      students decide and provide materials

The Antacid Test
  • ·      6 groups of 3 plastic droppers
  • ·      dilute hydrochloric acid 50 ml for each of 6 groups
  • ·      2 brands of liquid antacid, 30 ml of each brand to each of 6 groups
  • ·      6 groups of 3 small plastic clear cups
  • ·      methyl orange solution, 1 ml to each of 6 groups

Chapter 8 Carbon Chemistry

How Many Molecules?
  • ·      500 toothpicks
  • ·      2 pounds of small multicolored gumdrops

Are You Getting Your Vitamins?
  • ·      6 groups of 6 small plastic clear cups
  • ·      6 groups of 6 plastic droppers
  • ·      starch solution
  • ·      iodine solution
  • ·      vitamin C solution
  • ·      samples of beverages to test: orange juice, apple juice, sports drink, fruit flavored drink

Unit 3

Chapter 9 Motion and Energy

Inclined to Roll
  • ·      6 skateboards
  • ·      6 protractors
  • ·      6 wooden meter sticks
  • ·      masking tape
  • ·      6 flat board, about 1.5 meters long (I HAVE 3, I ONLY NEED 3 MORE)
  • ·      6 small pieces of sturdy cardboard

Stopping on a Dime
  • ·      6 wooden meter sticks
  • ·      6 tape measures
  • ·      6 groups of 2 stopwatches

Chapter 10 Forces

Forced to Accelerate
  1. ·      6 skateboards
  2. ·      6 wooden meter sticks
  3. ·      6 stopwatches
  4. ·      string
  5. ·      masking tape
  6. ·      large masses (students will use textbooks)
  7. ·      spring scales

Chapter 11 Forces in Fluids

Sink and Spill
  • ·      paper towels
  • ·      table salt
  • ·      6 beakers, 600 ml
  • ·      6 balances
  • ·      6 pie pans
  • ·      6 jars with tight lids, about 30 ml: BABY JARS!!

Unit 4

Chapter 12 Earth, Moon, and Sun

Track the Moon
  • ·      none

Reasons for the Seasons
  • ·      6 groups of  3 textbooks (students’ books)
  • ·      6 flashlights
  • ·      6 acetate sheets with grid lines
  • ·      6 plastic foam balls marked with poles and equator
  • ·      6 pencils (students should have)
  • ·      6 protractors
  • ·      6 toothpicks

A “Moonth” of Phases
  • ·      lamp with 150 watt bulb
  • ·      6 pencils
  • ·      6 plastic foam balls

Chapter 13 Exploring Space

Design and Build a Space Exploration Vehicle
  • ·      students decide and provide materials

Chapter 14 The Solar System

Speeding Around the Sun
  • ·      6 strings, 1.5 meters in length each
  • ·      6 one-hole rubber stoppers
  • ·      6 plastic tubes, 0.6 cm
  • ·      6 stopwatches
  • ·      6 groups of 3 large metal washers
  • ·      6 wooden meter sticks

Chapter 15 Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Star Stories
  • ·      none

How Far Is That Star?
  • ·      masking tape
  • ·      1 box of paper clips
  • ·      6 pens
  • ·      lamp without shade, 150 watt light bulb
  • ·      6 copier paper boxes, without lid
  • ·      rectangular table, 1m wide
  • ·      6 each of black and red pencils

·      6 metric rulers
·      6 wooden meter sticks
·      6 calculators

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