OLPH Calendar

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Important Reminder!

Walkathon forms were sent out before Christmas.  Each student must bring back the permission slip and contract form by Thursday January 30 in order to participate in Friday’s walkathon.  Your child needs to turn in one or both of these forms.

If you lost a form please see the office.

Also, remember to get pledges.  Fifth grade students are required to submit $100 worth of pledge money.  The pledge sheet should be turned in this week.  The money is due February 25.

The theme for the Walkathon is "Back to the '80s".  This refers to the 1980s- but even so the students must still adhere to dress code- no short shorts, no miniskirts, no makeup or hair color.  See the posters in the hallways for ideas.  Have fun with this!

Science Fair

Presentations continue- make sure your child knows his/her date.  Also, see previous blog posts, the pages in the sidebar of the blog, the Gradelink attachments, and the sample project outside the office for help.  I also have a short question and answer time at the end of each science class period.

Science Fair is next Wednesday, with the open house the following Thursday afternoon.

Egg Drop

Congratulations to the one group whose egg survived the Egg Drop!!  "The Eggtastic Mission" project by Audriannah, Maria, Richard, and Yazmin.  Congratulations!!

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