OLPH Calendar

Friday, January 24, 2014

Science Fair Crisis Management :) 

I have placed a sample science fair project near the office.  It is not perfect, but it shows a decent project and also shows how I would grade it.  Please take a look- it is informative.

Here is a quick lesson on how to write an analysis paragraph and conclusion paragraph for the science fair project.  Basically, the analysis paragraph restates the data in sentence form, then the conclusion paragraph tells whether the hypothesis was right or wrong (and why).

Below are the analysis and conclusion paragraphs from the project by the office.  I have made comments (the "cb" numbers) which are below the paragraphs.


            My hypothesis was wrong.  The 68.5 g sugar in 100 ml water changed the freezing point of the water the most.[cb2]   In this experiment I added different amounts of salt and sugar.  The salt and sugar contaminates the water, preventing it to become a crystal structure.  It is this crystal structure that creates ice.  Because the freezing process if more difficult, the freezing point lowers, the more contaminates the solution the more the freezing point has to lower. [cb3]  The data was inconsistent because I was using kitchen equipment and used different thermometers to measure the temperature.  A way to enhance this experiment would be to calculate the molarities of each solution and compare the freezing points to molarities.[cb4]   In the future, I would like to use the same solutions and determine if the concentration of the solute affects the boiling point.[cb5] 

 [cb1]The analysis states what is shown in the data.  Pretend like you must explain the data to someone who can’t see it.

 [cb2]The conclusion should make clear if your hypothesis was right or wrong.  It should also relate the results found in the data and analysis to the hypothesis.

 [cb3]Then explain the science behind your results.

 [cb4]Did anything go wrong, or do you realize you could have done something better?  Say so next.

 [cb5]State a future question to end your conclusion paragraph.

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