OLPH Calendar

Rubric for the Background Report


Rubric: Science Research

5 points
4-3-2 points
1 point
My report is thoroughly researched, using four sources of information to write the report.
I used less than four sources of information to write the report.
I did very little research.
My report gives factual information in my own words.
In some places I mix opinions with facts.
I need to check that the report is in my own words.
My report is well organized.  Good transitions connect details.
My paragraphs are in good order, but I need better transitions.
My paragraphs are not in logical order.
An interesting introduction presents the main idea.
The introduction tells the main idea but could be more interesting.
The report needs a clear introduction.
Each paragraph has a topic sentence, and supporting details.
Some paragraphs need topic sentences or details.
I have few topic sentences and few supporting details.
There are no mistakes in grammar, word usage, or sentence structure.
There are some mistakes in grammar, word usage, or sentence structure.
There are many mistakes in grammar, word usage, or sentence structure.
There are no spelling mistakes.
There are a few spelling mistakes.
There are many spelling mistakes.
My conclusion summarizes the report in an interesting way.
The conclusion summarizes the report, but could be more interesting.
The report needs a conclusion.
List of sources
I have three or four sources listed.
I have less than four sources listed.
I do not have a list of sources.
On time
The topic choice, list of sources, drafts, and report are turned in on time.
Most elements are turned in on time.
This project was not done on time.

Total:                          /40   

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