OLPH Calendar

Third Trimester Project Assignment

The Third Trimester Science Project          Name:                                                                                    

You will be assigned a topic and a presentation date.  On your assigned date, you must present your completed project to the class during a ten minute period.  You must complete the report and ONE creative presentation.  They both must be about your assigned topic.

You will propose how to do your project and I will approve it.

Presentations will by May 19-23, 2014 for grades 5th, 6th, and 7th.  Presentations will be May 12-16 for grade 8th.

  1. Report Guidelines:
  • Title page
  • Body of report is two to four pages long. Write proper sentences and paragraphs about your topic.  Choose to write about the most interesting and important information.
  • Your last name, and page number in the heading (upper right hand corner) on each page (a header)
  • Works cited page (with at least two resources in alphabetical order)
  • 12 point font size, Times New Roman or Arial
  • Double spaced.
  • No extra spaces between paragraphs
  • No graphics/pictures in the body of the report

Creative Choices- choose one from this list or create your own (must be approved by me)
  • ·      Science demonstration or lab activity- You may plan a science activity for the class to do, or for them to watch as a demonstration.    Find ideas in your textbook or online. You must bring all materials, the procedure, and explain what is happening.
  • ·      Poster- The poster must teach others about your topic, including vocabulary, key concepts, main discoveries, and remarkable scientists.   You must include pictures or drawings, and the poster must be appealing.
  • ·      Booklet- Write and illustrate a booklet that teaches third graders about your topic, including vocabulary, key concepts, main discoveries, and remarkable scientists.
  • ·      Art- Create an art piece that teaches about your topic.  It must show that you took time and effort- it will be judged on how it looks and its educational value.  Examples of an art piece are: painting, sculpture, mobile, a timeline that is at least 6 feet long, etc.
  • ·      Video- Write the script for, record, and edit your own video that teaches others about your topic, including vocabulary and key concepts.  Ideas for this include (but are not limited to) recording a demonstration that can’t be done at school, interviewing a scientist, taking the class on a virtual “field trip”.
  • ·      Creative writing- write a story based on scientific facts.  Even though your story is fictional, your readers should know the key vocabulary and concepts.
  • ·      Song- write and perform a song that teaches about your topic.  This may be recorded as a video.
  • ·      Book a guest speaker or after school activity relating to your topic.

My topic:                                                                                My presentation date:                                 

My creative option:                                                              

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