OLPH Calendar

Third Trimester Project Rubric

Rubric- Third Trimester Project

Name:                                                                         Class:              Project Score:             /30
5 extra points if completed/presented on time    Yes      No       Presentation date:               

Report- mechanics

The report has ALL required elements:
·       Title page
·       Body of report is two to four pages long, typed.
·       Write proper sentences and paragraphs about your topic. 
·       Last name, and page number in the heading (upper right hand corner) on each page (a header)
·       Works cited page (with at least two sources in alphabetical order)
·       12 point font size, Times New Roman or Arial
·       Double spaced.
·       No extra spaces between paragraphs
·       No graphics/pictures in the body of the report

The report has most required elements.
The report is missing most required elements.
Report- grammar/spelling
·       All words are spelled correctly. 
·       All grammar rules are observed. 
·       All sentences are constructed properly. 
·       All paragraphs are constructed properly and organized well.
Most grammar/spelling is correct.
Grammar and/or spelling mistakes detract from the report.
Report- content

·       The report contains the most interesting and important information about the topic. 
·       All facts are research based and are educational to the reader. 
·       The writing is clear, easy to understand, and presented in an interesting way.
The content of the report has most of the required elements.
The content lacks most of the required elements.
Creative option- effort

The effort put into the creative option is clearly evident.  The end result is not only educational, but also artistically pleasing and/or entertaining.  The student should be proud of this fine work.
The creative option is well done.
The creative option fails to show effort from the student.
Creative option- content
The creative option effectively supports the student’s teaching and presentation of the topic.  The option clearly contains vocabulary and concept descriptions relevant to educating the audience. 
The creative option is useful in the presentation.
The creative option is not useful to the presentation.
Creative option- presentation
The student speaks/presents with clarity and command, without reading from the report or notes.  The student projects enthusiasm for the project and answers questions with depth and authority.
The student speaks clearly, shows interest in the project, and answers questions well.
The student is difficult to understand, shows little interest, or has trouble answering questions.

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