OLPH Calendar

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Science Fair and 5th Grade Update

ATTENTION: Second Parents' Club Meeting on December 9 (Monday) 7 pm in the parish hall.  Don't forget! :) 

Science Fair- grades 5-8

All students have signed up for a presentation date for their science fair projects.  Your child's date is somewhere between January 27 and February 5.  On that date, each student needs to bring in a report and a board, then give an oral presentation of the project.  I will be posting the rubric (grade sheet) on Gradelink and on the blog.  This rubric helps you and your child understand what I am looking for in the project- please use this as a checklist to make sure the project meets these requirements before it is brought into class.

The Science Fair projects will be judged February 5.  If you can help judge, please let me know.  Judges should have experience in a field of science (medical, engineering, etc) and/or education.  So- any nurse, architects, or teachers out there- I can use your help!  Judges meet on February 5 at 3:00 and are usually done judging by 6:00.  Thank you!

Advent Project- 5th grade

Advent is a season of preparation for Christ's coming.  God loves us and wants us to share that love with works of spiritual and corporal mercy.  This year, our school is gathering items needed for a program called "Get on the Bus".  This program provides items for children who are visiting parents in jail.

Fifth grade students will be providing crayons for this program.  We are asking that each students bring two boxes of crayons.  Please bring these in either before the Christmas break or by January 9.  Thank you- the children in the "Get on the Bus" program will appreciate these items!

Also: FREE DRESS Friday December 13.  Students can come to school in free dress for $2.  Money raised will go toward the Mission Holy Childhood Association.  This will be done instead of the mite boxes.  Please participate so we can be generous with those less fortunate!

Also we are celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with Mass December 12 at 8:30.  We will also have a table at the school to honor Mary with flowers.  All are welcome to bring flowers that day.  Students will bring the flowers to the classroom, and we will organize the students presenting them after Mass.

Christmas Concert- 5th grade

The OLPH School Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 19 at 7 pm in the Church (plan on being there by 6:15).  As a reminder, the children should wear outfits appropriate to a Christmas Mass: nice slacks and buttoned shirt or sweater for the boys; the same for the girls or a knee length skirt or dress.  We are encouraging the children to wear Christmas/winter colors, such as green, red, black, white, and/or blue.

The next day, Friday December 20, is a minimum day with no extended care.

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