OLPH Calendar

Science Fair Rubric

Science Fair Rubric
Name/project number                                          Class                  Project score        /50     
(5 extra points if turned in on time)   Date due:             Date turned in: 

Originality- concept
The project idea is original in the concept and/or creatively uses resources in a way that goes beyond the texts or web resources. 
The project idea is adapted somewhat from a familiar or textbook idea.
The project idea is taken directly from a textbook and/or has been done many times before.
Originality- approach
The project shows a new and unique approach to a problem, or a new and unique interpretation of data.  The project uses innovative techniques. 
The project shows an adapted approach to a problem or interpretation of data.
The project idea is taken directly from a textbook and/or has been done many times before.
Comprehension-scientific method
The project demonstrates proper use of all aspects of scientific method, including references to scientific theory and terms, techniques, and methodologies, or engineering principles as appropriate to the topic.  Measurements and/or detailed observations are included.
The project demonstrates proper use of most aspects of scientific method.
The project fails to use scientific method.
Comprehension- background science
The project shows the student understands the basic science behind the project topic, comprehension at a finer level of detail, and awareness of the influence that the project has on related material in the subject topic.
The project shows the student understands the basic science behind the project topic.
The project does not show the student understands the basic science.
Comprehension- connections
The project shows the student connected what was learned from the project to the subject in general.  The student also made connections to ideas for future study.
The project shows the student connected what was learned from the project to the subject in general. 
The project does not show connections between what was learned in the project to the subject in general.
Organization- elements of the project
All the elements of the project are present. This includes:     
manipulated and responding variables
materials list
data (graphs/charts)
 conclusion (can include future question)
Most of the elements of the project are present. 
Several of the elements of the project are missing.
Organization- thoroughness
The original question of the project has been addressed, and also questions arising during the project have also been addressed.
The original question has been addressed, but further questions remain unaddressed.
The original question of the project is not addressed.
Completeness- supporting evidence
Evidence supporting claims is documented in data charts and graphs, and supported by text in the results section.  This evidence connects to both the original question and the basic science behind the project.
Evidence is included in the project, but is incomplete in some way- organization, connecting to question or research, etc.
Supporting evidence is not documented.
Effort and Motivation
The project demonstrates that the student took time in learning about the subject, as well as designing and executing the project.  The student clearly showed an interest in the topic of the project.
The project shows some time was devoted to the topic.  Some enthusiasm is apparent.
The project does not demonstrate time or interest was invested in the project.
The ideas of the project are clearly presented and easy to understand.  A well written abstract, easy to follow aids and clear and concise answers add to the quality of the project.
Ideas of the project are presented, but with some element missing (more visuals/clarity in the explanation)
The project can be understood with difficulty, or can’t be understood at all.

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