OLPH Calendar

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Science Fair and 5th Grade Update

ATTENTION: Second Parents' Club Meeting on December 9 (Monday) 7 pm in the parish hall.  Don't forget! :) 

Science Fair- grades 5-8

All students have signed up for a presentation date for their science fair projects.  Your child's date is somewhere between January 27 and February 5.  On that date, each student needs to bring in a report and a board, then give an oral presentation of the project.  I will be posting the rubric (grade sheet) on Gradelink and on the blog.  This rubric helps you and your child understand what I am looking for in the project- please use this as a checklist to make sure the project meets these requirements before it is brought into class.

The Science Fair projects will be judged February 5.  If you can help judge, please let me know.  Judges should have experience in a field of science (medical, engineering, etc) and/or education.  So- any nurse, architects, or teachers out there- I can use your help!  Judges meet on February 5 at 3:00 and are usually done judging by 6:00.  Thank you!

Advent Project- 5th grade

Advent is a season of preparation for Christ's coming.  God loves us and wants us to share that love with works of spiritual and corporal mercy.  This year, our school is gathering items needed for a program called "Get on the Bus".  This program provides items for children who are visiting parents in jail.

Fifth grade students will be providing crayons for this program.  We are asking that each students bring two boxes of crayons.  Please bring these in either before the Christmas break or by January 9.  Thank you- the children in the "Get on the Bus" program will appreciate these items!

Also: FREE DRESS Friday December 13.  Students can come to school in free dress for $2.  Money raised will go toward the Mission Holy Childhood Association.  This will be done instead of the mite boxes.  Please participate so we can be generous with those less fortunate!

Also we are celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with Mass December 12 at 8:30.  We will also have a table at the school to honor Mary with flowers.  All are welcome to bring flowers that day.  Students will bring the flowers to the classroom, and we will organize the students presenting them after Mass.

Christmas Concert- 5th grade

The OLPH School Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 19 at 7 pm in the Church (plan on being there by 6:15).  As a reminder, the children should wear outfits appropriate to a Christmas Mass: nice slacks and buttoned shirt or sweater for the boys; the same for the girls or a knee length skirt or dress.  We are encouraging the children to wear Christmas/winter colors, such as green, red, black, white, and/or blue.

The next day, Friday December 20, is a minimum day with no extended care.

Monday, November 25, 2013

November Update

Science Fair Update

The students' research and procedures have all been approved.  So what next?  Students, with their families, need to set a timeline for actually completing the experiment at home.  Please sit with your child and determine how long the experiment will take and plan accordingly.  I am hoping the students can bring data to the computer lab during the first two weeks of January.  However, the absolute deadline is the presentation date.  Each student will have his/her own presentation date, set during the last week of January/first week in February.  Your child will know the date this week so everyone can plan for that.

Parent Conferences

Parent conference have start today- Monday and Tuesday.  Please make sure you have received the letter informing you of your appointment.  If you have any questions about the schedule, please contact the office- they have the master schedule of parent conference appointments.

I encourage your child to join you in this conference.  Your child can add valuable information about his/her grade.  If your child is not able to attend, that is okay as well.


The fifth grade students have been reflecting and writing about what it means to be thankful for what we have.  As Catholics, we are called to serve the poor in our community.  Each class is bringing in items to give to the Duroview/Mountain View Estate Community in Thermal.  Fifth grade students are assigned to bring in sugar, flour, and/or masa in a reusable grocery bag.  I am counting participation as a Religion grade- only one item in a bag is necessary to participate.  Items need to be turned in by Tuesday, November 26.

Our Thanksgiving Liturgy is Wednesday, November 27 at 8:30 am.  Please join us.


OLPH School is presenting a Christmas Concert on December 19.  The fifth grade students are working with the fourth grade students in learning two songs to perform.  Please "pencil" this into your calendar- I am counting participation in this concert toward the music grade.

Students will need to wear the type of outfit you might expect to find at Christmas Mass- boys should wear nice pants and a buttoned shirt and/or sweater.  Girls should wear a knee-length (or longer) dress or a nice blouse and slacks outfit.  The colors we are encouraging include black, white, red, and green.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

5th grade Update

Tomorrow is the field trip to the Air Museum.  Please make sure you have signed the permission slip and your child has turned it in.  There are only a few missing- I gave extra copies yesterday to those students who had not returned the form.

My drivers are Mrs. Flores (Breanna's mom), Mr. Flores (Nevada's dad), Mrs. Hinojosa (Hannah and Nicolas's grandmother), and Mr. Becerra (Maia's dad).  Drivers- please follow up at the office about any requirements you need to fulfill.

Science Fair Update

I assigned "The Procedure Project" to all science classes.  It should not take them long to do this- it is much easier than the research project.  Students are required to write out their question, variables, hypothesis, list of materials, and procedure steps.  They will have paperwork on this today, but I also want to post an example for them to follow.  I also wrote up some comments- what I have been telling the students to help them be successful in this.  Here is the example.

How does the temperature of the soda affect the volume of the geyser in the Diet Coke/Mentos experiment?
The manipulated variable is the temperature of the soda.  The responding variable is the volume of the geyser.
I predict that the soda kept at room temperature will produce a larger geyser than the soda kept in the refrigerator.
  • ·      10 Mentos mints
  • ·      10 2-liter bottles of diet Coke
  • ·      measuring cylinder (at least 1 liter)

  1. 1.     Place 5 bottles in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.  Place the other 5 at room temperature.
  2. 2.     Take one bottle to an outdoor, easily cleaned location.  Open the bottle and place on the ground.
  3. 3.     Drop one Mentos mint into the bottle, and then step back.
  4. 4.     Observe and record.
  5. 5.     Pour the remaining soda into the measuring cylinder.  Record the volume of soda (in liters) left in the bottle.
  6. 6.     Subtract this measurement from 2 liters (the original amount of soda in the bottle).  Record this as the volume of the geyser.
  7. 7.     Repeat steps 2-7 with the remaining bottles.
  8. 8.     Calculate the average volume of the geyser from the refrigerated bottles.  Repeat for the room temperature bottles.

Mrs. Becerra’s comments:

Even though the variables are the second item on the page, that’s where you should start.  Identify your variables. 
·      The manipulated variable is the thing in the experiment you are changing to see if it makes a difference. 
·      The responding variable is what you are measuring.

Then, make sure your two variables are mentioned in the question.  Basically “How does the manipulated variable affect the responding variable?”

Your hypothesis can use the words “I” or “my”.  You can say:
·      “I predict…..”
·      “I think that…..”
·       “My hypothesis is…..”

You can copy the list of materials and the procedure from the source where you find your experiment.  Real scientists repeat each other’s experiments and you can do the same.  THIS IS THE ONLY PART OF YOUR SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT I WILL NOT CHECK FOR PLAGIARISM!!!

Notice the materials are bulleted and the procedure is numbered.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 24, 2013

Science Fair Update: We are gearing up for Science Fair! The research portion was assigned several weeks ago, and the first draft is due tomorrow.  I told students to bring in what they have and we will work with it tomorrow.  I will also be reviewing each one over the weekend and marking suggested changes and additions on each one.  I will return the first drafts Tuesday, October 29 and the final draft for the research report is due November 1.  Please don’t wait until October 31 to complete the final draft!

5th Grade Update

Halloween Carnival: Thank you to the students for your tremendous effort in learning and performing the dance routine.  Your efforts were recognized by the judges as the best of the upper grade classes!! Congratulations!  Fifth grade, along with first grade, get free dress and an ice cream treat on Friday, October 25.

Red Ribbon Week: Students are participating in Red Ribbon Week this week by learning about and discussing how to avoid and prevent bullying and also about the dangers of drug abuse.  We had a pep rally yesterday, an informative speech from Mrs. Arias today, and a guest speaker tomorrow.  They also had a religion assignment to write a letter promising not to bully or abuse drugs.  Please discuss these topics with your child as a follow-up.

Important dates:
·         Monday, October 28: no school- teacher inservice with the Diocesan staff
·         Friday, November 1: All Saints Day Mass at 8:30 (no Mass on Oct. 31).  Also this day is a minimum day.
·         Saturday, November 2: Second Parents’ Club Maintenance Day 7:30am- 1:00pm
·         Wednesday, November 6:  Fifth grade Field Trip to Palm Springs Air Museum
·         Friday, November 8: no school, teacher inservice day
·         Monday, November 18: First Trimester ends

Field Trip: We are going on a field trip to the Palm Springs Air Museum on Wednesday November 6.  We will be leaving at 8:45 am and returning by 1:45 pm.  I am excited to take the fifth graders on this trip- the museum staff will not only be giving a tour, but also be leading the students in hands-on activities.  However, any students with a D or F in any class will need to be cleared by their teachers in order to attend the trip. 
We do need drivers, and I am giving priority to those who are currently completely qualified with their background check/fingerprint, Safe Child Training, and updated insurance.  If you are missing one of these and would like to drive, please see the office staff to see what you need to do.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Becerra

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 3, 2013

Science & 5th Grade Newsletter 10/3/13

Science Fair
Right now, students are settling on their topics for Science Fair.  I will be working with the students to craft the best question and identify variables for their project idea.  These should be settled next week.  Here are the next deadlines for Science Fair:

  • October 18: First Draft of Research Report due
  • October 25: Final Draft of Research Report due
  • November 9: Procedure Project due
The research report becomes the background research section of their science fair project.  The procedure project lists the question, hypothesis, variables, materials, and procedural steps of the project.  Then the student is responsible for running the experiment and collecting data.  Mrs. Covarrubias will help the students learn how to create tables and graphs in Excel in January, then presentations start at the end of January. 

Iowa Assessments
Students have been taking the Iowa Assessments this week.  Please remind your son or daughter to keep regular bedtimes and eat a good breakfast for the next week.  The Iowa Assessments are an indicator of student knowledge and skills, along with the STAR test, AR achievements, and grades.  We will review the results of the assessments at Parent Teacher Conference.

Halloween Carnival- 5th Grade
The Halloween Carnival is Sunday, October 20.  The fifth grade students have been working on a performance using the song "Cups" by Anna Kendrick.  They have been learning the cup rhythm routine and the cowboy boogie line dance.  I am asking students to dress country-style for the Halloween Carnival.  They could dress like a farmer, cowboy, rancher, farm girl, cowgirl, etc.

Saints and Class Colors
Mrs. Perez and the teachers have decided on class colors to promote school and class spirit.  We tried to match the color to the class saint.  Our class saint this year is St. Thomas Kozaki, one of the 26 martyrs of Nagasaki.  Therefore I chose the color red.  On certain school spirit days, students may come to school in their class color.  Heads up on this!  I don't know when the first school spirit day is but I will let you know when I find out.

As always you are welcome to join the class at Mass.  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Science and 5th grade news 9/10/13

Science News for 5th/6th/7th/8th:

I have already been talking to students about science fair.  Science fair is in February 2014 but in order to help the students prepare we need to start now. The first step is to research the general topic of their intended experiment. The first deadline is September 27: on this date I need to know the students' topics for their research paper.  This research paper will serve several purposes: it will be a major part of their science fair project, and it will count on its own as an English/Language Arts grade. Mrs. Perez and I will solidify the deadlines for the drafts of this paper- we are looking for the final draft to be due in the middle of October.

Students will submit their first draft of their research question, the list of materials, procedures, and identification of variables on October 31.  I will check these over and suggest revisions so that this part of the project conforms to science methodologies.  

The last deadline in the 1st trimester is November 7, 2013.  On this day, the students need to submit their final draft of their question, the list of materials, procedures, identification of variables.

5th grade classroom information:

Thank you to all parents who attending Back to School Night! I appreciated being able to meet with you and share information with you.  Here are some other information you need to know:

First Parents Club Meeting is Wednesday, September 11 at 7 pm in the Parish Hall.  Attendance is mandatory- put this on your calendar and remember to sign in!

Emergency backpacks and supplies (canned/dried food) is due Friday, September 13

Friday, September 13 is a minimum day.  This was not referenced on the monthly calendar, but it is on the annual calendar.  Teachers need this time in the afternoon for a webinar training in curriculum mapping.

Class Dojo parent codes will be sent home soon- once I get time to get into the computer lab and print them.  I should be able to do this during 5th grade’s PE time on Tuesday.

Please cover the hardcover textbooks (Social Studies, Reading, Science, English, Math) by Friday, September 13.  You may use store bought covers or homemade covers.  I will check this off on the conduct grade.

I think I forgot to point out that our criteria for Honor Roll has changed slightly.  Students must earn all A’s and B’s, with at least three A’s in academic subjects.  The previous criteria stated only two A’s were necessary.  Please reference the Handbook on this.

Thank you!

Mrs. Becerra

Below is the letter from our room parents regarding cheesecakes.  Thank you room parents!!

Dear 5th Grade Parents,                                  

First all we would like to welcome all of you back. This year, your child will have the opportunity to attend several field trips and participate in several events.

With that said, the estimated cost to participate in the events is $60.00 per child. Therefore the need to fund raise is arequirement.

At this time we have chosen to sell cheesecakes as our first fund raiser of the year. We would like each child to sell at least 12 cheesecake orders/items (the profit from each order is $5.00) or donate $60.00. Whichever of the two options is easier for your family.

With everyone’s participation this fundraiser should bring in around $1200.00.

Please remember that these amounts are only estimates and that the costs for each field trip/event may be higher therefore increasing the amount for each child’s participation.

In effort to make this fair for each family, we will keep a ledger for each child and divide the amount of each fieldtrip/event amongst each.

As always, should you have any questions please feel free to call either of us room parents below.

Thanking you in advance,

Ms. Marcie Quintana

Mrs. Frances Flores

Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy New (School) Year

It's been a great first week- all classes have been so energetic and ready to work!  I will keep this newsletter brief- I'm not sure how many parents will have access as of yet.

Composition Books: There is always a little confusion about the composition books.  We need the students to have one composition book for each subject- which is a total of seven.  Most students will need more around February/March when they fill the composition books up.  Why do we like the composition books?  Papers don't get lost and the book becomes an automatic record of their work and progress in class.  They are much neater than spiral notebooks, which can become entangled with each other and pulled apart- not to mention the dreaded "rippy-bits".

Emergency Supplies:  Make sure you bring in earthquake supplies and backpacks.  Every child needs these in case of an emergency.  Check the information that was sent home during the summer for details on what should be in them.

AR: STAR Testing was done for 5th graders this week and today (Friday) I sent home the results and AR goals.  Please sign and return the single page by Tuesday.  Remember- READ!

Back to School Night: Please join us on Thursday, September 5 for Back to School Night.  I would like to be able to gather emails from parents for easier communication.

Class Dojo: I am implementing a computerized class management system.  Basically, it is a fun way of putting names on the board and acknowledging good behavior.  I placed a video below for you to view.  If that doesn't work, search youtube for "Class Dojo Student Introduction".  The students have class codes- parents can be invited by their children, or else I will have parent codes on Back to School Night.

Change in faculty: Mr. Hendricks has taken a teaching position in another school which should be a good opportunity to further his career.  We wish him good luck and pray for his success.  Mrs. Arias has hired Mrs. Alisa Covarrubias to teach computers, and to be the math instructor until Ms. Garcia returns in mid-September.  We welcome Mrs. C to our school!

Well, I wasn't brief but there is always something happening at our school.  Keep up-to-date by subscribing if you haven't done so already.  Enjoy the weekend, stay cool and hydrated, and of course READ!

Mrs. Becerra

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Midsummer newsletter July 27

To the families of incoming sixth graders:

I have been working with a few students on their math packets and/or summer reading assignments.  What I have seen is that it is quite a bit of work, and some of the math is either hard for the students to remember or material not covered in the fifth grade math book.

Remind your child to use the website resources listed on the packet if they need help on the math problems.  Also remember that Mrs. Perez said the book list is only a suggestion.  Any chapter book or novel in the child's appropriate reading level is okay.

Please check with your child if they are progressing toward completing these activities.  I would expect that your child would be halfway or more through the math packet.  He/she should also have read one book at their reading level and completed an index card for this book.  We are halfway through summer already!

If you would like me to help your child with the math packet or reading project, please let me know.  Contact me by email or by phone.

Otherwise, enjoy the rest of summer.

Mrs. Becerra
(760) 989-1377

PS: Every sixth grader needs a composition book for science.  Watch for sales!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

6th grade reading list

I know I haven't posted to the blog for a while, but I wanted to share this information.  Mrs. Perez told me that the books on the reading list are suggestions only.  The students can read other books and do the index cards and book project on those.  I suggest the kids choose books that they enjoy and understand easily, but that are in their reading level.  No comic books! :-).  Keep reading, and remember to work on the math packets.  If you have misplaced yours, I left extras in the school office.

Enjoy your summer!  See you in August!

Mrs. Becerra

Friday, January 25, 2013

January 24, 2013

I have not posted for a while- I apologize.  Between a healing finger, soccer playoffs, science fair preparations, etc, etc- it has been busy.  Here is the latest newsletter.

5th Grade Newsletter

Science Fair: Science Fair is DONE! I am so impressed with the work the students did in their projects. Thank you to the students, parents, and families- I know it is a group effort to support a successful science fair. Congratulations go especially to our ribbon winners:

• 3rd place: Growing Marigolds by Natalie Herrera

• 2nd place: Pop, Pop, Pop by Jacob Castaneda

• 1st place Average Reaction Time of an AlkaSeltzer Tablet by Justin McWay.

Justin’s project will be representing OLPH in the Elementary Division at the Inland Science and Engineering Fair in April. Congratulations!

SLEs: In fifth grade we are reviewing the SLEs for a writing project. The students will be writing an essay describing how OLPH School helps them become Faithful Catholics, Life Long Learners, Effective Communicators, Responsible People, and Worldwide Citizens. Please reinforce this at home with discussions with your child.

Catholic Schools Week: Please see the dates below for events in our Catholic Schools Week. On Sunday, January 27, we invite all families to attend Mass at OLPH. Students should wear their uniforms to this Mass. Support our school and Catholic education by attending! Remember to get pledges for Walkathon!!


Other reminders:

• January 27-February 1- Catholic Schools Week

• Sunday, January 27- Catholic Schools Week Sunday

• Tuesday, January 29- OLPH Spelling Bee

• Friday, February 1- Walkathon

• Saturday, February 9- Lenten Learning Center

• Tuesday, February 12- Mardi Gras

• Wednesday, February 13- Lent

• Monday, February 18- No School Presidents Holiday

• Monday, February 25- 3rd Parents Club Meeting, 7pm in the Parish Hall

Remember to earn your volunteer hours. Check with the office about Walkathon, and look for upcoming notices about Mardi Gras. We always need volunteers for these events.

Thank you,

Mrs. Becerra