OLPH Calendar

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Science and 5th grade news 9/10/13

Science News for 5th/6th/7th/8th:

I have already been talking to students about science fair.  Science fair is in February 2014 but in order to help the students prepare we need to start now. The first step is to research the general topic of their intended experiment. The first deadline is September 27: on this date I need to know the students' topics for their research paper.  This research paper will serve several purposes: it will be a major part of their science fair project, and it will count on its own as an English/Language Arts grade. Mrs. Perez and I will solidify the deadlines for the drafts of this paper- we are looking for the final draft to be due in the middle of October.

Students will submit their first draft of their research question, the list of materials, procedures, and identification of variables on October 31.  I will check these over and suggest revisions so that this part of the project conforms to science methodologies.  

The last deadline in the 1st trimester is November 7, 2013.  On this day, the students need to submit their final draft of their question, the list of materials, procedures, identification of variables.

5th grade classroom information:

Thank you to all parents who attending Back to School Night! I appreciated being able to meet with you and share information with you.  Here are some other information you need to know:

First Parents Club Meeting is Wednesday, September 11 at 7 pm in the Parish Hall.  Attendance is mandatory- put this on your calendar and remember to sign in!

Emergency backpacks and supplies (canned/dried food) is due Friday, September 13

Friday, September 13 is a minimum day.  This was not referenced on the monthly calendar, but it is on the annual calendar.  Teachers need this time in the afternoon for a webinar training in curriculum mapping.

Class Dojo parent codes will be sent home soon- once I get time to get into the computer lab and print them.  I should be able to do this during 5th grade’s PE time on Tuesday.

Please cover the hardcover textbooks (Social Studies, Reading, Science, English, Math) by Friday, September 13.  You may use store bought covers or homemade covers.  I will check this off on the conduct grade.

I think I forgot to point out that our criteria for Honor Roll has changed slightly.  Students must earn all A’s and B’s, with at least three A’s in academic subjects.  The previous criteria stated only two A’s were necessary.  Please reference the Handbook on this.

Thank you!

Mrs. Becerra

Below is the letter from our room parents regarding cheesecakes.  Thank you room parents!!

Dear 5th Grade Parents,                                  

First all we would like to welcome all of you back. This year, your child will have the opportunity to attend several field trips and participate in several events.

With that said, the estimated cost to participate in the events is $60.00 per child. Therefore the need to fund raise is arequirement.

At this time we have chosen to sell cheesecakes as our first fund raiser of the year. We would like each child to sell at least 12 cheesecake orders/items (the profit from each order is $5.00) or donate $60.00. Whichever of the two options is easier for your family.

With everyone’s participation this fundraiser should bring in around $1200.00.

Please remember that these amounts are only estimates and that the costs for each field trip/event may be higher therefore increasing the amount for each child’s participation.

In effort to make this fair for each family, we will keep a ledger for each child and divide the amount of each fieldtrip/event amongst each.

As always, should you have any questions please feel free to call either of us room parents below.

Thanking you in advance,

Ms. Marcie Quintana

Mrs. Frances Flores

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