OLPH Calendar

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Midsummer newsletter July 27

To the families of incoming sixth graders:

I have been working with a few students on their math packets and/or summer reading assignments.  What I have seen is that it is quite a bit of work, and some of the math is either hard for the students to remember or material not covered in the fifth grade math book.

Remind your child to use the website resources listed on the packet if they need help on the math problems.  Also remember that Mrs. Perez said the book list is only a suggestion.  Any chapter book or novel in the child's appropriate reading level is okay.

Please check with your child if they are progressing toward completing these activities.  I would expect that your child would be halfway or more through the math packet.  He/she should also have read one book at their reading level and completed an index card for this book.  We are halfway through summer already!

If you would like me to help your child with the math packet or reading project, please let me know.  Contact me by email or by phone.

Otherwise, enjoy the rest of summer.

Mrs. Becerra
(760) 989-1377

PS: Every sixth grader needs a composition book for science.  Watch for sales!!

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