OLPH Calendar

Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 24, 2013

Science Fair Update: We are gearing up for Science Fair! The research portion was assigned several weeks ago, and the first draft is due tomorrow.  I told students to bring in what they have and we will work with it tomorrow.  I will also be reviewing each one over the weekend and marking suggested changes and additions on each one.  I will return the first drafts Tuesday, October 29 and the final draft for the research report is due November 1.  Please don’t wait until October 31 to complete the final draft!

5th Grade Update

Halloween Carnival: Thank you to the students for your tremendous effort in learning and performing the dance routine.  Your efforts were recognized by the judges as the best of the upper grade classes!! Congratulations!  Fifth grade, along with first grade, get free dress and an ice cream treat on Friday, October 25.

Red Ribbon Week: Students are participating in Red Ribbon Week this week by learning about and discussing how to avoid and prevent bullying and also about the dangers of drug abuse.  We had a pep rally yesterday, an informative speech from Mrs. Arias today, and a guest speaker tomorrow.  They also had a religion assignment to write a letter promising not to bully or abuse drugs.  Please discuss these topics with your child as a follow-up.

Important dates:
·         Monday, October 28: no school- teacher inservice with the Diocesan staff
·         Friday, November 1: All Saints Day Mass at 8:30 (no Mass on Oct. 31).  Also this day is a minimum day.
·         Saturday, November 2: Second Parents’ Club Maintenance Day 7:30am- 1:00pm
·         Wednesday, November 6:  Fifth grade Field Trip to Palm Springs Air Museum
·         Friday, November 8: no school, teacher inservice day
·         Monday, November 18: First Trimester ends

Field Trip: We are going on a field trip to the Palm Springs Air Museum on Wednesday November 6.  We will be leaving at 8:45 am and returning by 1:45 pm.  I am excited to take the fifth graders on this trip- the museum staff will not only be giving a tour, but also be leading the students in hands-on activities.  However, any students with a D or F in any class will need to be cleared by their teachers in order to attend the trip. 
We do need drivers, and I am giving priority to those who are currently completely qualified with their background check/fingerprint, Safe Child Training, and updated insurance.  If you are missing one of these and would like to drive, please see the office staff to see what you need to do.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Becerra

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