OLPH Calendar

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Third Trimester Project Last Minute Help

Here are some samples of products from eighth grade third trimester projects.  There were also some very nice posters (forgot to take pictures) which are posted on the hallway bulletin board.  Feel free to come upstairs to see their fine work as well.  I also had a student lead her class in an activity, and another demonstrate model rocketry.  A few students have brought guest speakers- one about model rocketry and another about the respiratory system.  Thank you for these educational and interesting presentations!!

If your child is unsure how to put together their project, use these as examples.  To see the details of the assignment and the grade sheet, open the new pages I added to the right.  Also, this information is available as an attachment on Gradelink.

I apologize for this help being last minute, but last minute is when help is typically needed.  As a parent, I absolutely understand this.  

Again, great job eighth graders- last presentations for your class are tomorrow.  Good luck to sixth and seventh graders- your presentations start tomorrow!!

Mrs. Becerra

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