OLPH Calendar

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17 Update

Science Heads Up- All grades will be assigned a project in science for the third trimester.  I will give the students the assignment and rubric in early March.   These will be posted on the blog as well.  Presentations will be in mid-May, so there will be plenty of time for students to prepare for this.

The end of the trimester is February 27.  I will be sending home grade sheet sign and returns along with latest tests and science fair grade sheets.

Mardi Gras is Tuesday, March 4.  A flyer was sent home letting families know about the required funds for this.  Please send in the money as soon as possible- this is for the students' Mardi Gras Feast.  Remember your child will not need to bring lunch that day- there will be plenty of food.

5th grade specific news (Field Trip):

Fifth grade is going to the Date Festival on Friday, February 21.  We will be walking from the school to the fair, leaving at 9:30am and returning at about 12:15pm.  The students will eat a snack before they leave and be back in time for lunch, so please make sure the students bring their snack and lunch or keep their school hot lunch reservation as usual.

If your child has not given you the permission slip for this field trip, please ask for it.  Permission slips should be returned by Thursday, February 20.  The permission slip does not have a space asking for chaperones, however I do need 2-4 chaperones.  Please contact me directly by speaking to me before/after school or emailing me if you would like to chaperone.

The purpose of the field trip is to view the art projects at the fair- each student was given the opportunity to submit a construction paper art piece in the style of Matisse and to contribute to the class quilt.  These are currently on display in the junior exhibit venue.  If you are going to the fair, go see them!  They are a little hard to find- the individual projects are tucked away in a corner on the far side, and the quilt is hanging up above eye level in a different area- but they are there!

On the field trip, the students are not allowed to shop, buy snacks, or go on rides at the festival.  However, I would like them to bring $5 for a drink.  There is at least one vendor who offers classes a special for lemonades, and I know on such a warm day after walking around the kids will be thirsty.  The drink will be the only thing they are allowed to buy.

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