OLPH Calendar

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 4, 2012

5th Grade Newsletter

I have been out on Jury Duty, but I expect to be back in the classroom on Friday. Please keep myself and the other jury members in your prayers as we work on deciding the case before us.

Science Fair: Science Fair is a few weeks earlier this year (January 23, 2013), so we are already on a roll. The students have already turned in to me their research reports, question, variables, hypothesis, list of materials, and procedure. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMPUTER FILE FOR THESE- THEY MUST BE RESUBMITTED IN JANUARY FOR SCIENCE FAIR.

The next date for Science Fair is January 8. This is when I start working with the students on formatting their data into tables on Excel and using Excel to create graphs. The experiment should be done by January 8 so students can use their actual data. If a student does not have their data, I will give that student practice data.

Science Fair Presentations will be January 14-18. For the presentation, a report and board must be completed, and each student will have an assigned day to present the project to me and the class. More information on the report and board requirements will be given on Friday when I return from Jury Duty.

Christian Service: Our school is participating in a Christian service project. We are having a mite box project to support the Holy Childhood Association. The fifth grade students are required to participate. They must return their box to me NO LATER THAN December 21 with at least one coin or dollar in the box. Please encourage your child to earn coins or dollars by doing chores or sacrificing extra snacks to give to these boxes. If you need extra boxes (some students fill multiple boxes), please let me know.

Christmas: The Christmas Cantata is December 20 at 7pm in the Church. This is a required activity so please add this to your schedule. There is a dress requirement for the Cantata: black socks, black pants, and a white shirt or blouse.

Other reminders:

• Wednesday, December 05, 2012: Second Parents’ Club Meeting in the Parish Hall 7pm

• Friday, December 7: Minimum Day, Faculty Meeting

• December 10-14: Scholastic book fair

• Friday, December 21: Minimum Day NO EXTENDED CARE THIS DAY. Last day before Christmas Break

• Monday, January 7: School resumes after Christmas Break

• Visit my blog at http://mrsbecerrasclass.blogspot.com/. You can submit your email and receive all updates- including this newsletter- in electronic form.

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