OLPH Calendar

Friday, August 30, 2013

Happy New (School) Year

It's been a great first week- all classes have been so energetic and ready to work!  I will keep this newsletter brief- I'm not sure how many parents will have access as of yet.

Composition Books: There is always a little confusion about the composition books.  We need the students to have one composition book for each subject- which is a total of seven.  Most students will need more around February/March when they fill the composition books up.  Why do we like the composition books?  Papers don't get lost and the book becomes an automatic record of their work and progress in class.  They are much neater than spiral notebooks, which can become entangled with each other and pulled apart- not to mention the dreaded "rippy-bits".

Emergency Supplies:  Make sure you bring in earthquake supplies and backpacks.  Every child needs these in case of an emergency.  Check the information that was sent home during the summer for details on what should be in them.

AR: STAR Testing was done for 5th graders this week and today (Friday) I sent home the results and AR goals.  Please sign and return the single page by Tuesday.  Remember- READ!

Back to School Night: Please join us on Thursday, September 5 for Back to School Night.  I would like to be able to gather emails from parents for easier communication.

Class Dojo: I am implementing a computerized class management system.  Basically, it is a fun way of putting names on the board and acknowledging good behavior.  I placed a video below for you to view.  If that doesn't work, search youtube for "Class Dojo Student Introduction".  The students have class codes- parents can be invited by their children, or else I will have parent codes on Back to School Night.

Change in faculty: Mr. Hendricks has taken a teaching position in another school which should be a good opportunity to further his career.  We wish him good luck and pray for his success.  Mrs. Arias has hired Mrs. Alisa Covarrubias to teach computers, and to be the math instructor until Ms. Garcia returns in mid-September.  We welcome Mrs. C to our school!

Well, I wasn't brief but there is always something happening at our school.  Keep up-to-date by subscribing if you haven't done so already.  Enjoy the weekend, stay cool and hydrated, and of course READ!

Mrs. Becerra