Some quick reminders....
Field Trip
Our year-end field trip is upon us. Fifth graders will be going to the bowling alley on Wednesday, June 4. We will leave school at 11:30 and return at 2:45. Lunch will be provided (pizza and soda). Students may wear appropriate free dress, including socks. A few students have not turned in their permission forms- if you have not seen one please ask your child to see it.
The End of Year Awards Ceremony is this Thursday, June 5 at 7:00 pm in the church. These awards include subject awards, altar servers, etc. The 3rd Trimester Awards Assembly is Friday at 10:45 am in the church. These awards include honor roll, accelerated reader, etc.
I will send an invitation to the award ceremony you should go to if your child is receiving an award. These invitations will go out Tuesday.
Last Days of School
In these last days of school we are still learning, of course. Students are working on assembling their Language Arts portfolio to send home (some samples are placed in their assessment box). Also, we are continuing studies of Religion and Science. The students are also helping inventory and care for books, cleaning of their desks and cubbies, etc. I also give them some time for board games and signing yearbooks. I have instructed the students to be thoughtful and respectful when signing yearbooks.
The last day of school is Friday June 6. School ends at noon and there is no extended care. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up from school promptly at noon.
OLPH offers summer school. Please stop by the office for more information. Students going into sixth grade would receive instruction in Religion, Reading and Math from Ms. Garcia.